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When to pay someone else to do your marketing

Outsourcing your marketing department to a contract marketing specialist may sound risky but it could be a good strategy for your business and your staff’s efficiency.

Contracting with an outside company or marketing team may not be the best strategy for every company, however, there are many situations and companies where this strategy has helped them succeed. A contracted marketing team or even if your business just needs one professional marketing specialist will work closely with your business to align a marketing strategy and goals to fulfill business goals for growth and sales.

As you evaluate your business’s current needs and available staff, there are many things that you will consider when thinking about contracting a marketing specialist. Budget and available resources will probably be evaluated first, but there are other questions to consider.

Your business has grown

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, wearing multiple hats can make you overwhelmingly busy. As the business grows, the hats get heavier and more time-consuming. Marketing is a complex part of running a business that is crucial to success and growth. When looking at how to match your business’s growth with your available resources, you should also evaluate if your marketing strategy needs more resources such as time and staff than are available. This is a good indication that you as a small business owner should consider contracting with a marketing professional.

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Your business needs more than a website

A marketing strategy is always more than having a website. While a well-designed and optimized website is necessary for most businesses, we will be the first to agree that it is only part of the overall strategy to attract and engage leads. If your business depends on traffic to your website as your marketing plan, consider talking to a marketing specialist to discuss if there are options that can create more opportunities predictably.

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The ROI of a Digital Marketing Professional is appealing

When comparing a business owner who has to wear many hats and a Digital Marketing Professional, there is a significant difference in the expected return from marketing.

The appeal of a Digital Marketing Professional, aside from the extra time that the business owner now has, is the expectation of consistent progress towards goals, whether those are leads generated or increased organic traffic. A business owner may have to spend more time learning about marketing first, however, a professional would be able to suggest strategies and marketing tactics that they already know how to implement.

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Marketing takes a considerable amount of time, even for a small business. As the business grows, so will the marketing strategy and resources needed. Small business owners and/or managers have many tasks that they are juggling, and maybe initially they were able to handle their own marketing needs. If your business finds that it is costing them valuable time and resources from their staff that could be used on fulfilling orders or performing services, contact a Digital Marketing Professional to discuss how we can partner with you and work towards growth.

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