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Do I need a Digital Copywriter? Probably.

Digital Copywriters are a growing part of the marketing industry and can significantly impact your marketing strategy’s success. When a company wants to maximize the effectiveness of its marketing, one of the first areas will involve the content on the website, blog, and other areas that communicate the company’s message.

What is a Digital Copywriter?

Digital Copywriters create the content for home pages, product/service pages, blog posts, emails, newsletters, and other digital forms of communication with customers.

Digital Copywriters are trained in creating content that attracts readers and generates leads. A strategy of creating engaging content that is relevant to both search engines and potential customers is a project that many companies give to a dedicated person or team. Copywriters can specialize in particular projects or industries, such as writing blog posts and articles for the accounting industry or writing website content for pet companies. Digital copywriters are a familiar sight in the marketing world.

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How does a Digital Copywriter fit inside the organization?

Many Digital Copywriters work as freelancers and contract with businesses on projects. Several companies also have on-staff copywriters, but even those companies can bring in freelancers if they have too many projects for their staff.

Freelance copywriters that contract with businesses can either work on a project basis or have an agreement with the organization for ongoing projects. When copywriters work on a project basis, their relationship with the organization is transactional instead of the consistent relationship of employees. The organization and the copywriter will agree on the project and then the copywriter is responsible for delivery.

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If the company needs a regular copywriter for projects, the copywriter could offer a retainer agreement instead of negotiating each project. In that case, an agreed scope of work and projects are assigned to the copywriter regularly for a set rate. An example would be a company retaining a copywriter to write blog posts every week. The company contracts a recurring project for a monthly fee with a copywriter for however long the contract states.

Some organizations directly hire copywriters and they are part of the staff. Whatever your company needs from a copywriter will guide how a Digital Copywriter partners with them.

Why do you need a Digital Copywriter?

Digital Copywriters craft compelling content that communicates and persuades people to become customers. Unlike in school when you wished that someone else would write the essays and papers, Digital Copywriters will do the website writing or blog posts so you don’t have to. Not only will working with a copywriter mean someone else will write about your business, but it will also improve your business’s efficiency because website content is time-consuming to create. Professional writers are trained to write to attract customers and working with one means that more of your time is spent on your business.

Working with a Digital Copywriter to craft a message to communicate your business’s value to customers is a strategic decision to amp up your marketing success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation about your business marketing and message creation.

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