resolutions post-its

2023 Resolutions? Include These Business-Building Goals

Looking at the close of 2022 already?

This year seems to have gone very quickly with how busy it was. Now 2022 has been much better than 2020, however, it is time to look at what your business is going to look like for the next year. Sales forecasts and budgets are ever-present and part of growing your business. Here are some other goals to consider incorporating to continue building your business in 2023.

Improve your online presence

There is a reason that having a website is #1 on every business-building checklist. Having a website is now fundamental to getting found by customers, establishing credibility, and getting paid! Websites function as your business’s base of command as it appears on the internet.

In 2023, make it a goal to look at your current online presence, whether that is websites, social media platforms, guest blogs, etc., and evaluate how effective those avenues are.

Maybe you don’t have an effective website yet (hint: give us a call, you should get that fixed), that is a realistic goal that is easily accomplished in 2023 and can have fabulous effects on your business.

If your business has a website that works, but you feel like it could be more, that is a sign that there is room for improvement – add that to your list of 2023 goals.

Do you have enough or too much social media presence? Take a look and consider where the opportunities are that you have. Social media in combination with your website are powerful tools that you can look at and incorporate into your marketing strategy.

Analyze what you currently have and how effective it is to find growth opportunities.

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Outline your content strategy

Part of analyzing your current marketing strategies will involve your content strategy. This includes landing pages, blog posts, social media posts, brochures, product descriptions, and your overall website content. Having effective content is a powerful tool for businesses that want to grow online.

Here are some questions that you can ask as you look at your current presence.

  • Do you have a regular blog?
  • Are those posts being read and shared consistently?
  • Do you have a high bounce rate from your home or landing pages?
  • Have you received customer feedback saying that something was confusing or difficult to understand?
  • Do you receive multiple inquiries for clarification from potential customers?
  • Are you utilizing email marketing?
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The answers to those questions can give you insight into where your biggest area of opportunity is. Content is important and having a strategy to harness its power will give you more success.

Set measurable goals for SEO

Did your 2022 reflection show that your business struggled with getting found by customers? This is a common problem that so many businesses face as they grow online. There are several tactics and tools that you can use to boost visibility, and a common one that you will find recommended is Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

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SEO is more of a strategy and mindset than a tool, but it is powerful. If SEO made its way onto your list of 2023 goals, be sure to set realistic and measurable goals for each initiative. Here are some examples of metrics.

  • Website visits through organic traffic
  • Bounce rate
  • Blog post traffic
  • Click through rate
  • Website visits through referring links such as social media

For any new plan to improve your SEO strategy, have it tied to at least one measurable piece of data. Without being able to define what success is, you won’t be able to adjust your strategy.

Get used to writing 2023!

2022 is over, now we will have to retrain muscle memory again!

2023 happy new year

Triple Mountain Marketing equips service businesses struggling to grow online to climb to new heights through effective websites.

Click below to contact us to schedule a free consultation and find the path for your business to start climbing!

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