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What Types of Content Services We Offer

We have been posting a lot recently about how important having good content is for your website and marketing strategy. Having words that make sense and convey your message to your customers is very important and is a skill that wasn’t taught in English courses. We know that having the time to create and test copy can be difficult to find or is just not feasible for you.

So what content and copy services can you pass off to us?

1. Words on your website

Writing the content for your website is a time-consuming but incredibly important task. A well-written website captures interest after being visible to increase traffic. A poorly written website does not engage customers and leaves them dissatisfied.

With so many things to consider with website content, SEO, and wordsmithing, this is something to consider handing off to someone else. Incorporating keywords, user-designed verbiage, and actually writing words are skills and services that we provide for our customers and clients, saving them time and energy and growing their business through good digital marketing.

2. Landing pages

Landing pages are different from normal website pages. These can be temporary or built for a paid ad campaign, and they also aren’t created at the same time as the rest of the website. Landing pages serve as a great funnel for customers to purchase a product or service, and the good ones are noticed.

Creating a landing page is a task that can be intimidating and time-consuming if you even have the time to draft it. Partnering with us to create your landing pages or at least the content for them is an easy way to ease your workload and still work on an ad campaign or promotion.

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3. Blog posts

Blog posts are a fabulous boost for SEO and for engaging customers. However, creating blog posts is another time-consuming project. They have many benefits to your digital marketing strategy and we highly recommend incorporating them. An easy way to do that is to pass them off to someone else to write for you. Contract a digital copywriter and have them take care of your blog posts.

4. Social media page descriptions

Business pages on social media need to have more than posts, and a well-written description is needed for businesses. Customers notice when a company has put effort into details such as the about section of Facebook.

Social media is a crucial part of digital marketing. If your business interacts with customers through social media, putting effort into your about section or business description gives your customers a more positive experience.

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5. E-newsletters

E-newsletters are different than blog posts because of the form that they are sent to readers. A blog post can have the same content as an e-newsletter, but blog posts are tied to a website. E-newsletters are sent through email to customers to read. They may have links to resources, products, or more information, but the entire piece of content is their in the email for customers to read.

Email marketing is a highly successful strategy to increase sales and customer engagement. E-newsletters provide information on a specific topic like blog posts, and are different than your promotional emails although sales and coupons may be mentioned in the e-newsletter. Done well, like blog posts, e-newsletters can become an important part of your marketing strategy.

6. NFT lore and descriptions

NFTs are becoming more popular in the last few years and a basic element of marketing is highlighted with them. Having an intriguing description of your products or a story with it is a good way to attract customer interest. Have your story but need someone to write it out? Contact us and get that taken care of and checked off your list.

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Content is something that can impact your business positively or negatively. If you are ready to upgrade your copy, contact us today

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