A photographer’s biggest tool is their portfolio, an example of their work and niche. Social media is one way to add to a gallery and a great way to encourage referrals. However, a website is the easiest way to display a portfolio artistically and in a way that makes it easy for customers.
A website is almost required for entrepreneurs now in an age where customers want to see examples and instantly receive information. If you want to grow your photography business, having a website needs to be on your to-do list. Here are some design tips for photography websites:
Mix pictures with content
Having content (words, verbiage, communicating to your customer) and pictures on your website is important even though your business is pictures. As a customer, opening a website that only has a photo gallery and the name and contact information of the photographer is not visually appealing or persuasive at all. Mix web copy with your gallery to provide wanted information and prevent photo overload.
When customers search for photographers online or through social media, technology can only read the information that it is given. Search results won’t show a pretty landscape picture for a photographer if it doesn’t know that this is an example by a photographer. There are a couple of ways to do this, and all of them should be used, including well-written web content, picture descriptions, alt texts, social media about sections, social media posts with captions, and website descriptions for search engines. Pictures are important to have on your website, but also include content as well.
Pick a layout that is appealing to your customers
Website layouts are a technical aspect that has gotten more important recently with a focus on user experience (UX).
By focusing on how your customers will interact with your website, your layout will be important in guiding customers through and hopefully to your contact or booking page. If you are designing your website, using templates is a strategy to look for a visually appealing layout.
If you are working with a developer, you may be able to see a draft of your website in different layouts and designs.
Link to active social media profiles
Social media is a powerful tool for photographers, it may also be more intuitive compared to building a website since it focuses on sharing photos and collections.
When you are building your website, make sure to link to your social media profiles. Then, have your social media profiles link to your website as well. Your social media can display a growing portfolio while directing customers to your website to find out information about booking you.
Provide clear contact information
Mixing content with your portfolio on your website is the #1 suggestion on this list, and providing clear contact information is the 2nd most important suggestion.
Clearly identify how customers contact you to schedule a session or appointment. Is that through a phone call or submitting a message through a form? If customers need to call you to schedule, your phone number needs to be prominently displayed in multiple locations. If customers need to fill out a form, let them know how soon to expect a response. Make it easy for your customers to schedule you and they will appreciate it.
We equip service businesses struggling to grow online to climb to new heights through effective websites.
Our services include web design, development, SEO-targeted copy, website maintenance, digital content services, and more. If your business is ready to climb, contact us today and take that first step.